Malaysia Internet: A Comprehensive Guide to

Greetings, I’m Papazon (@nomadkazoku).

Embarking on a new adventure in April 2023, my family relocated from Japan to Malaysia, and we now call Kuala Lumpur our home.

In this blog, I will share some exciting stories that led me to open a securities account with [affi id=3] to move abroad. Surprisingly, I discovered that the account is free to use and maintain even for non-US residents (with some conditions).

Check out our related posts on [ Firstrade ] for more in-depth information:
Firstrade – [ Commission-Free U.S. Stock Trading for Non-Residents! ]

Are you a non-resident in Malaysia looking for a reliable internet connection? Look no further! This article is your comprehensive guide to [affi id=4], one of Malaysia’s leading internet service providers.

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Compare Home Internet Lines

First, we compared two plans (100/500 Mbps) from two typical Malaysian internet companies.

[affi id=4][affi id=5][affi id=6][affi id=7]
As of May 2023
[affi id=4][affi id=5][affi id=6][affi id=7]
As of May 2023

In both cases, “Time” is by far the cheapest setting, and appears to be quite affordable.

“But isn’t the cheaper price actually inferior quality?”

For those who are concerned about this, here is a review of “TIME” based on my actual experience.

Why Choose is a renowned telecommunications company in Malaysia that offers a variety of internet plans for different needs. Whether you’re looking for a home, business, enterprise, or carrier solution, covers you.

Quality Assurance is committed to providing a quality internet experience for its users. They participate in the Broadband Quality of Experience Survey conducted by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). This survey collects data on broadband users’ quality of experience, ensuring that always strives to improve its services.

Internet Plans for Everyone offers a range of internet plans to cater to different needs. They have special offers for the first six months that you can take advantage of. Whether you’re a heavy internet user who needs high-speed internet for streaming and gaming, or a light user who needs to check emails and browse the web, there’s a plan for you.

Comparing with Other Providers

Compared to other providers, stands out for its commitment to quality and variety of plans. While other providers may offer similar services,’s participation in quality surveys and its range of plans for different needs sets them apart.

Personal Experience with

As a non-resident living in Kuala Lumpur, I chose for my home internet needs. The decision was based on the cost-effectiveness of their plans and the quality of their service. I opted for the 100Mbps plan, which was more than sufficient for my needs.

The Installation Process

The application process was straightforward and could be done online. However, during the installation process, the technicians discovered that the internet speed in my apartment was not up to par.

They diligently inspected the issue, determined that the problem was on the building’s end, and even requested repair on my behalf. Although this delayed the activation by a couple of days, I was impressed by their commitment to ensuring a quality internet connection.

The Performance

In terms of performance, the internet speed has been consistently around 100Mbps to 110Mbps, which is more than adequate for most online activities, including online gaming.

Things to Consider Before Signing Up

Before signing up for a plan, note a few things. The minimum contract period is 24 months, and a prepayment deposit is required. A reinstallation fee will be charged if you need to move within the contract period. Also, the performance of the installed device varies depending on the plan you choose.

Conclusion: Choose TIME for Cost-Effective Internet!

In conclusion, if you’re searching for “Malaysia Internet” and need a reliable provider, is a strong contender. With their commitment to quality, variety of plans, and excellent customer support, you can’t go wrong with

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[affi id=4]

Disclaimer: This article is based on information available as of May 2023. Please visit the website for the most current information and details.
